Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator

Dr. Stephanie G. Adams
ASPIRE2 Principal Investigator (PI)
Dean of the Erik Jonsson School
of Engineering and Computer Science
Lars Magnus Ericsson Chair at
UT Dallas
Dean Adams will serve as the primary point of contact for ASPIRE2. She will manage the budget, monitor overall performance in pursuit of project goals, work with the external advisory board, oversee all reporting activities and participate in post-program dissemination efforts. Adams has extensive experience in the design and implementation of programs aimed at broadening participation and faculty development in higher education. She has managed large, complex, externally funded projects focused on student success and faculty development as well as promoting intersectionality in research. She was previously Co-PI of the ADVANCE project at University of Nebraska–Lincoln. She is a former president of and current fellow of ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education), the recipient of numerous university and national awards and a former AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) policy fellow.

Dr. Inga Musselman
Provost, Vice President for
Academic Affairs at UT Dallas
Cecil H. Green Distinguished Chair of Academic Leadership
Provost Musselman will supervise the project director and project coordinator, manage the development and maintenance of the project website and work with the evaluation and data team. Musselman is responsible for faculty hiring and advancement, academic programs, budget priorities and allocations for the schools and academic facilities. She is an analytical chemist and holds a faculty appointment in the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at UT Dallas. Given her senior position, she will not charge any of her time to the project; however, she is committed to supporting the success of ASPIRE2 during and beyond the proposed project timeline. Monthly meetings of the Co-PI and the PI will be held to ensure adequate coordination among all participating components.